I think I was one of the first customers with Jaime in her new company Baker & Chapman Realty. This was an awesome service and she provided much more than expected. She came with answers rather than excuses. I cannot think of an answer she did not know and if she did not, I know for a fact she would of researched and found the answer as soon as possible and go beyond what I asked. She ran the fellow sub companies (loan, other party selling, and title company) extremely well. The paperwork process was simple and all electronic. I was literally offshore at work and it was like I was sitting in an office with Jaime. I highly recommend anyone to use her. I am extremely glad that I selected her to shop homes with and settle down and negotiate on my dream home. Once I dig myself out of this mortgage I would most certainly use her again. I am excited to see her get her own business underway. She sure deserves to work for herself and most certainly has the motivation to be able to do so as well.